When is a non-bailable warrant required to be issued?
A non-bailable warrant is a legal document issued by a judge or other legal authority. It is issued during the pendency of a criminal case against a person.
A non-bailable warrant is a legal document issued by a judge or other legal authority. It is issued during the pendency of a criminal case against a person.
When a person is issued a notice for criminal action and he ignores it, the judge issues a non-bailable warrant. Through this document they summon the person to appear in the court. If the person does not comply with this warrant, disciplinary action may be taken to arrest him.
Therefore, non-bailable warrants should be taken seriously, and it is a legal obligation for any citizen to obey them.
When is a non-bailable warrant required to be issued?
Non-bailable warrant is issued when there is a criminal case against a person and that person does not obey the summons. It is a legal document through which a person is summoned to appear before a judge.
A non-bailable warrant must be legally issued in the following cases
- When the person does not turn up on the date of his judicial appearance.
- When there is a criminal case against a person and he is involved in criminal activity.
- When the person does not obey the orders of any of his directors or judges.
The non-bailable warrant is investigated by the police and the judge has the right to issue it. It is mandatory for any citizen to follow it.
Benefits of issuing non-bailable warrants
There are certain advantages of issuing non-bailable warrants. Some of these important advantages are as follows –
Issuing it summons the person to appear in the court. It protects those who try to protect themselves from criminal action.
Issuing it ensures that necessary legal steps are taken against the offender. In this way, through this document the crime can be eliminated as soon as possible.
With the issuance of this document, it helps in the recovery of criminals. By this they can stop themselves from committing crimes and thus accept their responsibilities and become useful citizens of the society.
This enables the court to dispose of the criminal case on time.
This increases the chances of arresting the perpetrator, which is important for other people to be safe.
This gives the person an opportunity to consider whether he should be released on bail or not.
Who issues non bailable warrant
Non-bailable warrants are issued by a judge or other legal authority. When it is issued, he summons the person against whom it is issued to appear in court during a criminal trial.